Navin Sadarangani

Navin Sadarangani

People Development Professional

022 66944369

Navin Sadarangani, People Development Professional of THP has spent around 27 years in the jewellery industry, of which the first 13 years were with the Rosy Blue Group owned Intergold. From handling International Sales of Japan in SEEPZ, to setting up the country’s first platinum jewellery factory, later moving out to set up Intergold in Retail (now Orra), and then Hammer Plus Jewellery for wholesale domestic distribution, he has forayed across all the facets of the industry. This experience is what made good his stand to start NYUZ-a Coaching and Consultancy Company for Jewellery Retail. He is also Co-Founder of Association of Trainers, Founder of CLUBJIO – A jewelers learning platform and also Co-owner of a celeb cricket team that plays at BCL called Pune Anmol Ratn.

Navin believes that Sports enhances one’s internal personality and has been part of the School and College Teams for Cricket, Football, Hockey and Carrom and remains an enthusiastic sportsman till date. He also enjoys Conversation and Writing and has always been Entrepreneurial in spirit. Because of being a great thinker in private, he is able to create an opportunity even in the most difficult situations. A People’s person, he was keen to build a platform for human resource development in its true essence and hence the birth of THE HEART PEOPLE, as a venture that is beyond just HR Recruitment and Placement.

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